Last week we went
to the high security prison with a couple friends who are with a local Church.
While we were there we went to the cage where the life-term criminals are kept.
They have a big house and courtyard that is surrounded by a cage. They have a
bunch of woodworking tools and make local Kyrgyz board games with the tools.
While we were talking with them in our stumbling Kyrgyz, our friend came up and
helped us translate for them since he knew quite a bit of English.

I asked Lucas to
give a short message. Which is always fun when your leader asks you to do
something unexpected right on the spot! He told a bit of his testimony which
was very relatable to those in the prison since he had gone through some really
tough times. Afterwards they had a time to pray to God and ask for His
forgiveness and salvation! There were about 8 men who prayed with us. It was an
amazing opportunity and a beautiful time of seeing men who have been doing some
really horrible things, look to the Lord for forgiveness. Just getting a little
spark into their lives to follow the only One who is worthy of our praise.
Afterwards we got to play an intense game of volleyball! In which us foreigners
got crushed! A couple of the other guys were pretty good players! Then we came
back to the church in the prison and gave a short message for those who were in
the church. I think that a few of the people there were not believers because
the church is an open invitation to anyone in the prison and you can come and
go as you please. So we sang some worship songs with them and then I gave a
short message inviting them to accept Christ's sacrifice and come into God's
family with me. I told them that we would have a party in Heaven and I would
like to see them all there.
Zach and Lucas
gave short messages as well, going along with mine, about forgiveness and
intimacy with Jesus.
It was
sad leaving, knowing I may never come back to those guys. I pray that God will
strengthen them every day and give them revelations of His love to share with
the others who believe and those who do not in the prison.

Jalalabad was special. Three days we were in this beautiful little town in
southern Kyrgyzstan. Time flew by. This town is much more open and a lot
friendlier than Bishkek has been. While there we got to go up on the hill above
the city and have a worship time with the Kona team that has been there since
the beginning of April. We were very excited to get to hang out with them and
pray over the city and each other. While there we got to have the Kona team and
the local Jalalabad team pray for us. It was very encouraging. The last day
there, we were invited by an English discussion group, we had one afternoon, to
go on a hike. It was a 6am hike! We went up on the hill and ate some delicious
plov that one of the girls made for us! I had the opportunity to share a bit
about Jesus with one of the guys on the walk back to our apartment as well,
which was really encouraging since we don't have that chance very often in
Bishkek with the people we know.

Now we only have 1 week till we are home. I have been looking forward to come
home and at the same time I am slightly anxious as well. While I am home I only
have a short time to get ready to head out for China. It will be a good time
though, to prepare for my life outside the states. I will be looking for more
opportunities to raise support for moving to China a lot. I need to raise my
monthly support by about 300$. I will be hosting a garage sale the first week I
am back to raise more money and also looking to work with my Dad or someone
around Montrose for support during my month and a half stay before I fly to
China. I am planning on flying out around the 7th-10th of Aug.